Commercial & Publishing License
When is a Commercial License Necessary?
A commercial license is necessary when using TTSReader commercially (ie within a business setup), or when using the generated audio for publishing.
Using within a business or for-profit organization
If you are a business, or working on behalf of a business, or a for-profit organization, using, please use our premium plan.
Using the generated speech for publishing
Recording and using the audio generated by TTSReader in a commercial application (ie publishing)
- Add generated speech for narrating YouTube Videos
- Speech for telephony messages
- Presentations - slide shows
- Automatic messages in reception rooms, shops, etc.
- Speech for game-characters
- Speech for apps
For any publishing please use our premium plan
Once upgraded, which Voices Can be Used for Publishing?
Important note:
We can only give you permission for publishing recorded voices that their name ends with a single or double asterisk (ie - * or **). Use Google Chrome to get enable more voices. Other voices may be installed on your device, which means you can use them on your device, but not necessarily allowed to publish them.
Contractual Terms for Using The Generated Speech Commercially
Terms and End User License Agreement (EULA)
- Voice that you are allowed to publish: You are limited to publishing generated speech that uses voices that have a checkmark sign next to them in the voice selection dropdown. Here’s a screenshot showing you how this checkmark looks like:
You cannot re-sell our service.
Service is on AS-IS basis on We do our best to keep it alive and bug-free - and it is our interest - but - we can not guarantee.
Once audio is generated in the license period - you can use it even after license has expired!
No limits to the audio length or quantity you can generate.
Who Owns the Copyrights to the generated Speech?
You do. See our post about it for details.
Would you like to upgrade to Premium?
It’s only a few dollars - and straightforward, unlimited publishing rights, given the above terms (mainly the voice selection limitation to those with checkmark).
- Probably the best value for money.
- One time payment - no subscription - for a whole 1 year long license.
- Once audio is generated in the license period - you can use it even after license has expired!
- No limits to the audio length or quantity you can generate.
- Generate mp3 files - EXACTLY - as previewed!
Purchase a commercial & publishing license
Need more help?
- Try the search box at the top of this page.
- Try the main FAQ page.
- Share your issue on our issues forum on GitHub, as well as search for a similar issue already posted and perhaps solved.
- Shoot us an email at
. - Premium users may fill out the following form for premium support.
- For suggestions, feature requests and other discussions, please join our discussions forum.
- More ways to get in touch with us on the contact page.