Make your own website speak

December 12, 2017

How to add text to speech capabilities to your own website?

The 3 possible ways to add text-to-speech to a website

  1. Implement the web speech api interface, as described here:
  2. Implement text-to-speech (TTS), that is NOT based on the web speech api, provided by companies developing the TTS technology itself. This route is not recommended for most websites since it is either low quality or expensive.
  3. Implement ttsreader’s api - which itself uses the web speech api, but wraps it in the best way for most site-owners.

The advantages of using ttsreader’s library for text to speech are:

  • The easiest and fastest way to get text to speech up and running on your site.
  • Always up to date. We take care of maintaining the code.
  • We do the heavy lifting of finding solutions for issues with the web speech api.
  • Cost is single-time payment per domain. No fee per usage. Use it as much as you like. Serve it to as many visitors as you might have (hopefully a lot and growing every day!).
  • Cutting edge quality. Natural sounding voices by Google an more. Moreover, these voices keep improving over time.
  • Cross-browser support (as much as possible).
  • Clean code - you need to add 2 lines of code to your page. That’s all.
  • We even add the play/pause button if you want.
  • Battle tested.

How it’s done:

  1. You contact us by sending us an email to with your request.
  2. We make sure we have what you need - you make the purchase - we send you a link to our js library.
  3. You add our js library by inserting the following code to your html: <script src="https://path-to-the-js-file-sent-after-purchase.js"></script>
  4. Then - one more line: tts = new TTSReader(textOrDomElementToRead, domElementToAppendButtonTo,language<optional>);
  5. You enjoy a whole new feature in your website with minimal work!

See it in action

You can see it implemented and working on

Speechnotes is an online-notepad, that recently implemented text-to-speech capabilities using our js library. Text to speech is useful for Speechnotes users, as a way to proof-read their text. This way users can listen to the text they wrote, and identify in listening any grammar, spelling mistakes or even sentences or structures that just don’t sound as good as they could.


Only one time fee of $990 per domain name.

Which websites are supported?

Any website. Either it’s manually made by you from scratch or WordPress based, or anything.

What can you use TTS in a website for?

A few potential reasons you could use tts for (list is not ordered by significance):

  1. Accessibility - help people who have trouble seeing or reading.
  2. Cater to audience that prefers listening over reading.
  3. Send specific voice messages.
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